Global Warming? The Lie Exposed!


Possibly one of the greatest lies in the history of the world has been exposed. Unfortunately until the media and the uninformed populous grasp the level of manipulation and abuse that has been going on related to global warming, this lie will continue to be believed.

Global Warming Lie

It is hard to imagine the level of coordination and influence behind a lie so big that it has become an international fraud and swindle. It is almost impossible to grasp that an international organization, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC) operating under the umbrella of the United Nations, was permitted to issue reports of an imminent threat to the earth and mankind that even a freshman student of meteorology could see as false.

But thanks in part to the work of the Heartland Institute – the lie of global warming and man-made climate change is unraveling. For instance, we now know without a doubt that the earth goes through predictable cycles of warming and cooling – and has done so for 4.5 billion years. In addition, no significant proof has yet been presented that there is a correlation between temperature variations over the past 150 years and human CO2 emissions.

But global warming IS doing harm – at least the “fight” of global warming that is. Take, for example, the job killing over regulation of US industry by the Environmental Protection Agency. It seems one goal of the Obama EPA is to totally wipe out the US coal industry based entirely on the lie that CO2 is a “pollutant”.

While the lie has been exposed, global warming alarmists will not give up until they have fundamentally transformed society into their image. They will continue to exploit the ignorance of citizens regarding the actual science of global warming, and punish them as well by driving up the cost of energy use, by closing down entire industries, energy projects, and jobs – all in the name of saving our planet; while they get richer by the day.

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