Climate Scare Officially Over Due to Error in Model Calculations


Renowned climate realist and former adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Lord Christopher Monckton, has some big news. He has made a breakthrough discovery in the area of climate science and things are getting really interesting, to say the least.

Climate Scare Officially Over Due to Error in Model Calculations

As it turns out, Monckton is actually proud to be able to announce that he and his "team of very distinguished professors and doctors of science have discovered a major, significant, substantial error in the way in which the computer models calculate how much warming they would predict should be happening." He added, "Take that error away and there is no longer any climate problem. You might get one or two Celsius of warming with a doubling of CO2 concentration but you won’t get much more than that."

He also said, "All the suggestions that we’re facing some tipping point and suddenly we might see five or six, seven, eight, ten, twelve, thirteen Celsius of warming for a doubling of CO2, the kind of dramatic figures that have been appearing in some scientific papers, we can now prove that all of those very high end forecasts of how much warming we might get are based on an error in mathematics. Correct for the error and we are back down to a maximum of two, perhaps two and a half Celsius of warming for a doubling of CO2."

Here’s another thing Monckton stated, "I have been looking for this error in the mathematics for ten years. I have known it was there but I didn’t know what the error was, I just knew they’d made a mistake."

Another great announcement Monckton had was regarding a discovery by one of his esteemed colleagues, Professor William Happer of Princeton, who discovered that "the central estimate of global warming has been exaggerated by forty percent."

Now, when you combine his result with the discovery Monckton declares, it’s official that the climate scare is definitely over.


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