The Climate Change Activists Call for Tax on Newborn Babies

The Climate Change Activists Call for Tax on Newborn Babies

A recent NPR broadcast documents the unveiling of the depopulation/taxation scheme as envisioned by Travis Rieder, a "philosopher" with the Berman Institute of Bioethics at Johns Hopkins University, who claims that not having children is a "moral duty".

"Here's a provocative thought: Maybe we should protect our kids by not having them," says Rieder.

According to Rieder and his colleagues, the depopulation birth tax would apply more heavily to the rich, while encouraging the poor to use more birth control; they also say that the plan will not be as "abusive" as China's one-child policy. "It aims to persuade people to choose fewer children with a strategy that boils down to carrots for the poor, sticks for the rich."

Rieder claims that by reducing worldwide childbirth rates by "half a child per woman," carbon emissions could be reduced by as much as one-quarter of the amount needed to avoid the "tipping point" that will lead to 4 degrees Celsius global warming by the end of the century - a level of warming that will ostensibly make the world "largely uninhabitable for humans".

Obviously, his plan has already created a great deal of controversy; Rieder receives "nasty comments" online, and has raised the anger of climate change skeptics such as Marc Morano of Climate Depot.

"The warmists have now graduated from regulating our light bulbs, coal plants and SUVs to regulating our family size," said Morano. "Let's keep 'global warming' out of the bedroom!"

Also, according to the Sierra Club: "Childbearing [should be] a punishable crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license."

Even more extreme is the position of the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, whose members advocate that "voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters," and that humans should commit "species suicide" to save the environment.

Who gave them the power to make these decisions though?

Well, what we need to understand is that in fact the issue is not climate change at all; the real agenda is creating a world where you and I and our children's children will no longer be allowed to exist. Our very survival is now being threatened by the global elite – if we let them carry out their plans.


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