Still No Proof of Man-Made Climate Change

Still No Proof of Man-Made Climate Change

A recent BBC headline stated: "UN 95% sure humans cause global warming".

This is an amazing statement. Ninety-five percent sounds quite convincing, doesn’t it? But isn’t a fact either fully proven or disproven? Doesn’t science itself dictate that 100% accuracy is required to prove something as a fact? 95 % is no more proof than 9.5 %; actually, it’s not proof at all.

So how did the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) come up with 95 % in the first place? Most assuredly through political, ideological, and financial pressure placed on them by those powers profiting financially from the lie that requires man-made global warming to be true.

Many top climate scientists who were excluded from the IPCC's deliberations have stated for years that climate scientists have no real idea why the climate has been warming since the early 20th century. Attempts to explain this occurrence have resulted in only theories, not evidence.

Given that man-made carbon emissions are relatively “new” to planet earth; it is easy for scientists to assume that this must be the cause of the earth’s warming. But isn’t it also possible that other factors as well could be contributing to the earth’s warming? Simply choosing the easiest explanation does not substitute for fact or scientific proof. Wishing it were so does not make it so.

If we’re to look at circumstantial evidence as proof of man-made global warming, then could we not also look at the trillions of dollars being spent and the tens of thousands who are profiting from perpetuating the lie of man-made global warming as evidence as to why climate change is such a hot topic for the UN as well? Could the need for our tax dollars to line the pockets of the world’s politicians be the real reason the UN is “95% sure”?

Open-minded doubters are simply asking for proof of man-made global warming. Prove it, and the doubters will be satisfied – but use science and not political ideology.

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