Kerry Finally Gives In and Admits Terrorism Is A Bigger Threat than Global Warming

Kerry Finally Gives In and Admits Terrorism Is A Bigger Threat than Global Warming

Although in 2014 Secretary of State John Kerry called climate change the “most serious challenge we face on the planet”, now Kerry appears to have changed his mind and admits that terrorism is in fact a much bigger threat than this so called global warming.

And let’s not forget that Kerry also called climate change the world's "largest weapon of mass destruction." Seriously?

And near the end of 2014, Kerry argued that the two issues were in fact tied for first place, when he said climate change needs to be addressed with as much "immediacy" as the Islamic State.

It seems that Kerry finally admitted his change of thinking during his trip to Europe, where he stated twice that when it comes to global threats, terrorism is first, and climate change is second.

Here’s what he said in Denmark: "Let me just say that one of the greatest challenges of our times besides the fight against extremism is to deal with the enormous battle of climate change.” The phrase "besides the fight against extremism" shows that he actually sees terrorism as the top threat.

And even though quite subtle, the shift was noticeably present in his overseas remarks that were delivered just days after an Islamic State-inspired gunman killed 49 people in Orlando before he was killed by police.

Anyway, while currently Kerry seems to say terrorism is the top threat, that didn't stop him relaying all the dangers humans face due to climate change.

Hmm… What are your thoughts on this? Please share with us in the comments section below.

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