Climate change is nothing but the new religion for a discredited United Nations

Climate change is nothing but the new religion for a discredited United Nations!

Everyone is aware that the climate is changing and almost everyone accepts that there is a certain human element involved. However it is the extent to which we are responsible and, critically, the extent to which we should be paying for it that provokes the debate.

This is one of those areas where people can agree on 90% of the issue and still be condemned for heresy. Actually, when it comes to a toxic combination of dogmatic, intolerant orthodoxy with jaw-dropping hypocrisy, the climate change movement could give the pre-Reformation Catholic Church a run for its money.

Like all earthly institutions that offer salvation, climate salvation comes at a price - taxes, increased prices, levies, surcharges, fines, and retrofitting. And, like all earthly institutions that are aware what side its bread is buttered on, there are always escape routes for the rich.

After all, what is a 'carbon offset' but a modern plenary indulgence? Whoever came up with offsetting is a genius who most likely has an interest in medieval religious history. How else can you explain the obvious nonsense of multi-millionaires with private jets telling the rest of the world they have to cut down on their emissions?

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